hehe.goodnight =)
hehe.goodnight =)
sigh.everyone's leaving...
oh well.i love MALAYSIA!!!weeee!50 years!!!hah.
ooooh.more kawasaki rose this week!!hehe.no...i didn't make them....wasn't me.....but they're mine!mine!mine!haha.
we're going to the zoo tomorrow!!to celebrate merdeka!with the animals!!they're so patriotic!!i'm so random!!
that's all =)
i DID exercise today.i've got proof.hehe.nahhhh...
well,the skit's basically to let the kids know how important it is to make the right choice(as stated in the title).hehe.the skit was a success!i guess.i know we had alot of fun doing it =p.the kids enjoyed it too.though i made a really cute little boy cry..before the skit.i guess it's coz of my curlers.haha.made me look like some unusual alien or something.poor boy =(.
thanks to sue yenn for the enlargements =p and cheryl for taking the pics =).
jon loh lead worship that day.his costume is soooo cute!
hehe,we love piggy!
that's all for my saturday.
holidays are here!!!i have one whole school-free week!!weee!what should i do...hmmm.a trip to the beach?
a trip to the moon?
up the mountains?
dream of appearing in some magazine cover?
i gotta study.
i can do it!!!!
have a super duper week ahead!=)
see see!!we passed!!!hehe.aiyak.couldn't get anna in the pic..
our relieved / happy faces.
we fooled our instructor,saying we failed =p
we went to one utama after that..to celebrate us passing and weng hong's birthday,which was ytd.went to sushi groove for lunch.the food was yummy!but a lil bit too pricey.this one's called i love unagi.i think.haha.
watched rush hour 3 after that.it was a super hilarious show!we love jackie chan!
had to go for a wedding dinner at night.adrian kor kor was getting married!!nadine darling!!!she was the flower girl for the night!
nadine's lil brother...sooo cute!!!
my grandma!!!her cooking is AWESOME.
my uncle..<3
that's all=)