Wednesday, August 22, 2007

holiday-Day 3.

I went for my amali today.The six-hour lecture almost killed me.Plus that lecturer drove us ALL up the wall.Firstly,he was RACIST.He kept picking on us.bleh.Secondly,we couldn't get a THING he was talking about 'cause he was so so SO soft.Thirdly,he wasted an hour and a half of our time just to 'get to know all of us'. NONSENSE!!! He kept calling us 'ah mois'.grrrrr.Anna was really really pissed at him.He called me 'ah moi cap itu'.GRRRRR.I didn't wanna answer ANY of his questions after that.Just stared at him.After that he said i was degil.hahahahahaha.quite rebellious la =p. oh yeah!!! and Anna brought deodorant there (well according to her it just happened to be in her bag) so I sprayed some into the air coz the curtains were so so so stinky.Guess what he said?Ah moi ah moi punya perfume banyak wangi lah.Pasti dari Paris kan??HAHAHA.well,i'm quite sure that impulse deodorant is not from paris..oh well.spent three and a half hours in this 'cell'.
luckily i have my cell mates =p. siok wasn't there tho =(. not 17 yet.
the 'ahmois'. argh.
had to spend like almost an hour under the sun..watching HIM demonstrate some stuff.
"budak budak, macam ni la naik slope. pasti lulus....". grrrrrr.

it's HIM!!! He tortured us for SIX hours!!!!!

hehehe.i really like this pic.don't ask me why.coz i don't know!haha.i'm being random =p.

that's all =)

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