this is an XXS shirt.
see the difference?hehehe.the xxs seems to be bigger than the L...and the XXS shirt was bought long long time ago.the L shirt...just last year i got it..i miss old times T.T
well,i just came back from one utama!here are some pictures..
my precious cute spiderman handphone keychain broke ade T.T..NOOOOOO!!
cotton candy machine!!next time if i'm rich i would looove to own one of these..hehe.and a chocolate fountain too!mmmmmm.
wahhh!!!!her sandals sooo cute!!cuter than mine leh!!hahaha.who's the owner of this pair of cute sandals you ask...well..the answer is...I DON'T KNOW!!!!hahaha.i sampat ade.simply take picture of some random person's sandals..
we went to ou to watch fantastic four waiting to go into the cinema..we took a few..okay..maybe alot of pictures with the props...outside..kekeke.
an addition to the simpson's family!!!!
well...i was trying to imitate their faces..with the big eyes and all..see how retarded i look..hahaha.
additions to the shrek family as well..
my isn't so scary after all right?
just look at her...hahahha.
transformers...robots in disguise~ hahahaha.
this is yuyu.with homer.haha.she camwhores the least among the three of us.she's the camera woman.hahahaha.
after the movie..which was quite good..we went to dragon-i for dinner!!!well...for deco,they had these soldier lah.hahahaha.
make friends first...
then get closer...lols.
my sisters tortured the waiters and waitresses in the restaurent with this.i pity them..hahaha.
look at the crowd!!!
check it out yo....hahahahha.
hehehe.i had LOTSA fun today.
that's all=)
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