after tuition,siok and i decided to one day,go to a mamak together,and when a waiter or waitress comes to take our order,we'll say :
after tuition,siok and i decided to one day,go to a mamak together,and when a waiter or waitress comes to take our order,we'll say :
" if you asked to give an accurate description of my physical condition at the present moment,the only possible honest reply would be that i am greatly in need of liquid refreshment."
after eating,we'll say:
" i should be greatly obliged if you would have the kindness to bring me,at your convenience,a written statement of the indebtedness i have incurred in connection with the meal which you have just finished serving to me."
they would think we're crazy.hahahaha.that's how pompous and confusing a british person can be,according to my teacher.if you guys are confused too,the first one means i'm thirsty,the second one means,bill please.hahahaha.both can be said in two words and they have to make it sooo cheong hei.haha.
today i had to go to school for hari koko.they wouldn't give me my certs if i didn't go.bleh.too early on a saturday morning to wake up!!!but what to do...
they started the day off with the usual singing of the national anthem and all...
that's police-looking PK giving her speech...her speech was short and straight to the point.not like my pengetua's...bersyukur here bersyukur there...aih.
followed by a performance by choir B..kai kai was the conductor!!
after eating,we'll say:
" i should be greatly obliged if you would have the kindness to bring me,at your convenience,a written statement of the indebtedness i have incurred in connection with the meal which you have just finished serving to me."
they would think we're crazy.hahahaha.that's how pompous and confusing a british person can be,according to my teacher.if you guys are confused too,the first one means i'm thirsty,the second one means,bill please.hahahaha.both can be said in two words and they have to make it sooo cheong hei.haha.
today i had to go to school for hari koko.they wouldn't give me my certs if i didn't go.bleh.too early on a saturday morning to wake up!!!but what to do...
then it was time to give out the certs!!know what?those yellow scrolls are EMPTY.they're just for show.after you get off the stage you're supposed to give back the scroll and get the cert from another teacher -.-
more performances *yawns*
so..after collecting both my certs i called my mom to come pick me.was too lazy to stay for the siok,kai kai,yue xin were all leaving teman.hahaha.had a DIFFICULT time getting out of school.but thanks my mommy!,i managed to get out.yay.
one more thing...ARGH!!!! great.this ALWAYS happen to me.ish ish!!!! >.<.no wonder the teacher pronounced my name as,tze MAN.ish.
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